I'm Vaux, an Informed Jack who Tells Tales. This is my Signal.
If you can hear this broadcast, it is for Aian, the Milavian City of Merchants... and City of Beggars.
The powerful oligarchs rule the city, but for how much longer? Interests from within the city - and without - are striving to change the status quo.
Listen to it. Remember it. Pass it along.
Episode 24: Aian
A Numenera podcast. Home of "The Signal," a mysterious broadcast to the people of the Ninth World.
Thursday, December 11, 2014
Thursday, November 13, 2014
Signal 23: Threshold
I'm Vaux, an Informed Jack who Tells Tales. This is my Signal.
If you can hear this broadcast, it is for Threshold, a border city that is gateway to the Amorphous Fields.
The Crafters are able to create art, tools, even clothing from the organic soup of the Fields - for a price. And many wonderous treasures can be found if you're brave enough to risk the biological chaos of the Amorphous Fields.
Listen to it. Remember it. Pass it along.
Episode 23: Threshold
If you can hear this broadcast, it is for Threshold, a border city that is gateway to the Amorphous Fields.
The Crafters are able to create art, tools, even clothing from the organic soup of the Fields - for a price. And many wonderous treasures can be found if you're brave enough to risk the biological chaos of the Amorphous Fields.
Listen to it. Remember it. Pass it along.
Episode 23: Threshold
Thursday, October 16, 2014
Signal 22: Thriest
I'm Vaux, an Informed Jack who Tells Tales. This is my Signal.
If you can hear this broadcast, it is for Thriest, once the shining jewel of the war-weary Steadfast kingdom of Malevich.
Opportunities about as one man seeks to remake Thriest into a great centre of knowledge. But an ancient conspiracy seeks to press disaster onto the nation.
Listen to it. Remember it. Pass it along.
Episode 22: Thriest
If you can hear this broadcast, it is for Thriest, once the shining jewel of the war-weary Steadfast kingdom of Malevich.
Opportunities about as one man seeks to remake Thriest into a great centre of knowledge. But an ancient conspiracy seeks to press disaster onto the nation.
Listen to it. Remember it. Pass it along.
Episode 22: Thriest
Thursday, September 4, 2014
Signal 21: The Road
I'm Vaux, an Informed Jack who Tells Tales. This is my Signal.
If you can hear this broadcast, it is for those of you traveling on the roads of the Ninth World.
What strange people and unusual places lurk on the highways and byways of the Steadfast and the Beyond? What wonders, and dangers, are waiting for you?
Listen to it. Remember it. Pass it along.
Episode 21: The Road
If you can hear this broadcast, it is for those of you traveling on the roads of the Ninth World.
What strange people and unusual places lurk on the highways and byways of the Steadfast and the Beyond? What wonders, and dangers, are waiting for you?
Listen to it. Remember it. Pass it along.
Episode 21: The Road
Thursday, August 21, 2014
Signal 20: University of Doors
I'm Vaux, an Informed Jack who Tells Tales. This is my Signal.
If you can hear this broadcast, it is for the University of Doors, an extra-dimensional institute of higher learning.
Is a power struggle about to end one of the most important traditions at the university? And do not go in the basement.
Listen to it. Remember it. Pass it along.
Episode 20: University of Doors
If you can hear this broadcast, it is for the University of Doors, an extra-dimensional institute of higher learning.
Is a power struggle about to end one of the most important traditions at the university? And do not go in the basement.
Listen to it. Remember it. Pass it along.
Episode 20: University of Doors
Sunday, July 20, 2014
Signal 19: Queslin
I'm Vaux, an Informed Jack who Tells Tales. This is my Signal.
If you can hear this broadcast, it is for Queslin, "land of opportunity" on the coast of the Sere Marica.
There's something wrong with the perfect little town and its promise of prosperity. And just who are the Overseer and the Privs?
Also, a special announcement.
Listen to it. Remember it. Pass it along.
Episode 19: Queslin
If you can hear this broadcast, it is for Queslin, "land of opportunity" on the coast of the Sere Marica.
There's something wrong with the perfect little town and its promise of prosperity. And just who are the Overseer and the Privs?
Also, a special announcement.
Listen to it. Remember it. Pass it along.
Episode 19: Queslin
Friday, July 11, 2014
Signal 18: Camp Norana
I'm Vaux, an Informed Jack who Tells Tales. This is my Signal.
If you can hear this broadcast, it is for Camp Norana, a trade hub on the southern edge of the Caecilian Jungle.
Has a local hunter been forced to turn to the most dangerous game? Whatever happened to the leader of the Norana expedition? Who are those mysterious hooded figured?
Listen to it. Remember it. Pass it along.
Episode 18: Camp Norana
If you can hear this broadcast, it is for Camp Norana, a trade hub on the southern edge of the Caecilian Jungle.
Has a local hunter been forced to turn to the most dangerous game? Whatever happened to the leader of the Norana expedition? Who are those mysterious hooded figured?
Listen to it. Remember it. Pass it along.
Episode 18: Camp Norana
Thursday, June 5, 2014
Signal 17: ~*OPPORTUNITIES*~
I'm Vaux, an Informed Jack who Tells Tales. This is my S+*
Episode 17: Opportunities
Episode 17: Opportunities
Thursday, May 22, 2014
Signal 16: Mulen
I'm Vaux, an Informed Jack who Tells Tales. This is my Signal.
If you can hear this broadcast, it is for Mulen, capital city of the Steadfast kingdom of Iscobal.
What intrigues and factions run rampant through a city where everyone has an agenda? Has a former monarch returned from beyond the grave?
Listen to it. Remember it. Pass it along.
Episode 16: Mulen
If you can hear this broadcast, it is for Mulen, capital city of the Steadfast kingdom of Iscobal.
What intrigues and factions run rampant through a city where everyone has an agenda? Has a former monarch returned from beyond the grave?
Listen to it. Remember it. Pass it along.
Episode 16: Mulen
Wednesday, May 7, 2014
Signal 15: The Aerothos Bibliotech
I'm Vaux, an Informed Jack who Tells Tales. This is my Signal.
If you can hear this broadcast, it is for an ancient lost trove of knowledge. It is about the legendary Aerothos Bibliotech.
Where is this mysterious library? Is the prehistoric knowledge within in danger of falling into terrible hands?
Listen to it. Remember it. Pass it along.
Episode 15: The Aerothos Bibliotech
If you can hear this broadcast, it is for an ancient lost trove of knowledge. It is about the legendary Aerothos Bibliotech.
Where is this mysterious library? Is the prehistoric knowledge within in danger of falling into terrible hands?
Listen to it. Remember it. Pass it along.
Episode 15: The Aerothos Bibliotech
Thursday, April 24, 2014
Signal 14: The Beach
I'm Vaux, an Informed Jack who Tells Tales. This is my Signal.
If you can hear this broadcast, it is for a mysterious place in the Beyond. It is about The Beach, along the coast of the Cloudcrystal Skyfields.
What strange visitants are preying on visitors to this paradise? Is a lost treasure worth risking your life to explore The Beach?
Listen to it. Remember it. Pass it along.
Episode 14: The Beach
If you can hear this broadcast, it is for a mysterious place in the Beyond. It is about The Beach, along the coast of the Cloudcrystal Skyfields.
What strange visitants are preying on visitors to this paradise? Is a lost treasure worth risking your life to explore The Beach?
Listen to it. Remember it. Pass it along.
Episode 14: The Beach
Friday, January 17, 2014
Signal 13: Taera
I'm Vaux, an Informed Jack who Tells Tales. This is my Signal.
If you can hear this broadcast, it is for an aldeia in the Beyond. It is about the town of Taera, along the border of the Ba-Adenu and the Plains of Kataru.
Is a threat from the southern Ba-Adenu Forest on the move? What biological terrors are being cooked up deep underground?
Listen to it. Remember it. Pass it along.
Episode 13: Taera
If you can hear this broadcast, it is for an aldeia in the Beyond. It is about the town of Taera, along the border of the Ba-Adenu and the Plains of Kataru.
Is a threat from the southern Ba-Adenu Forest on the move? What biological terrors are being cooked up deep underground?
Listen to it. Remember it. Pass it along.
Episode 13: Taera